Ricarda Funk: Always in motion!
The E-Flitzer in the athlete's everyday life
"NO, I am not a machine! Was I afraid of failing? YES!
But I embraced the fear and mastered it.
Anyway.. my heart is broken for the moment."
Ricarda Funk after the 2024 Olympics in Paris
Get up & keep going!
Ricarda Funk is a German canoeist in the canoe slalom.
As Olympic champion in Tokyo 2021, she wanted to repeat this success this year in Paris. Instead, there was a bitter disappointment for the canoeist:
50 penalty seconds due to a gate error dashed any hopes of a medal. But failure is part and parcel of sport - Ricarda keeps going! She wants to go all out again at the 2028 Olympics!
We visited Ricarda before the Olympic Games in Augsburg & talked to her about more than just canoeing.
Interview with RicardaInterview with RicardaRicarda is always on the move, even outside of canoe training.
On two wheels through the seasons
Hey, I'm Ricarda - a sports enthusiast, nature-loving, environmentally conscious and fast-paced. I'm grateful and happy that I was able to turn my hobby into a career. As a competitive athlete and canoeist, I spend many hours in the great outdoors. My favorite means of transportation? The bicycle.
Why not use the canoe?
Sure, I'd actually prefer to paddle from A to B all the time, but unfortunately that doesn't quite fit in with everyday life. Cycle paths are better developed than river paths, and admittedly I'm also happy when my arms have a break.
The E-Flitzer: My loyal companion and always in use
Schon seit vielen Jahren ist das Fahrrad fest in meinen Trainingsalltag integriert. Vor dem Training, nach dem Training, zwischen den Trainingseinheiten – alles wird auf zwei Rädern erledigt. Mit dem Rad geht es quasi durch alle vier Jahreszeiten. Da habe ich schon allerhand mitgemacht: bei Wind und Wetter, bei Schnee und Eis. Immer in Eile, denn mein Terminkalender platzt oft aus allen Nähten.
The temptation of the car
The bike has been an essential part of my everyday training routine for many years now. Before training, after training, between training sessions - everything is handled on two wheels. I've been through a lot: in wind and weather, in snow and ice. Always in a hurry, because my schedule is often bursting at the seams.
This is the E-Flitzer
Motor: Mahle Ebikemotion x35+
sporty look
Hydraulic disc brakes
Weight: 16.5 kg
Equipped with luggage rack, light & kickstand
3 reasons why I love the E-Flitzer...
Fast and environmentally friendly
Practical in everyday life
Stylish & cool
The E-Flitzer - my indispensable companion
I would never have thought that an e-bike would play such an important role in my life. Today, it's impossible to imagine life without my e-bike. It's fast, environmentally friendly and functional - and above all, it turns every ride into a little adventure. So, to all the bike enthusiasts out there:
Get on your bike or e-bike and enjoy the ride!
Best, Ricarda.
Pre Olympia 2024
WINORA City Bikes
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